Did you know that the Agents of Society are evident in the Parish of St. Ann that is located in Jamaica ?


Photo by:jing -https://www.jing.fm/iclip/TTbmmx_networking-clipart-social-institution/

The title of this blog is "A Travel Blog for a Better Understanding of the Parish of St. Ann on a Sociological Level," so it is fair to include sociology in the blog so the readers can have a better understanding of what will be discussed in this week’s blog. So, this week's blog is focused on the agents of society that are in St. Ann, which are namely religion, education, the family, the government, and health care. For a society to function effectively, all these agents must be present. So, in this blog post we will take a look at how the different sociological perspectives view these agents of society. The three main perspectives that will be discussed are functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interactionism.

First Functionalism is a sociological perspective that views society as a system in which all components of society come together as a complex system to promote solidarity and stability.

A Photo of The Famous Functionalist which is Emile Durkheim  

Photo by: literariness-https://literariness.org/2017/05/10/the-sociology-of-emile-durkheim/

Second, the Social Conflict theory is a sociological perspective that was established by Karl Marx a sociologist. This theory states that society that is made up of two groups: the bourgeoise and the proletariat. The bourgeoise, the rich, are always oppressing the proletariat, or the poor. So, this theory suggests that society is made up of inequalities that lead to conflict in society and, later, social change.

A Photo of Karl Marx who created this theory 

Photo by : The famous People -

Third, the Symbolic Interactionism Theory is a sociological perspective that believes that society is made up of shared meanings and that social interactions are what form society.

A Photo of Max Weber one of Sociologists that contributed to Symbolic Interactionism.

Photo by : thoughtco.com-https://www.thoughtco.com/max-weber-3026495

What is Society?   

Society is an area where individuals interact and share beliefs and culture. Society is also how different institutions come together to work, and in society, there can be conflicts. So, since we are using the discipline of sociology to discuss this blog, sociology is a systemic study of society that examines everything that happens in society, either on a macro or micro level. In this blog, there are going to be accounts of different sociologists now who are sociologists? Is a person who studies all the aspects of society and the institutions that are present in society and how they affect society. There are famous sociologists such as Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Max Weber, along with others.

Religion as a Agent of Society  

Photo by : clipground -https://clipground.com/religion-clip-art.html

"Religion," according to All About Religion, is a system of ideas and activities that people follow and consider as true, such as worshiping a supreme god (All About Religion, 2005). Religion is extremely important in society and in people's lives. Morals, regulations, and codes found in religion serve to keep society stable. Religion, according to functionalists, aids in the unification of society. According to Durkheim's view of religion, society need members who share ideals in order to be stable (New York Essays, 2021). Religion, according to functionalists, provides meaning and purpose to life. Without religion, a person can become disoriented, unsure of what is right and bad, and will just believe anything is said or told to them. Religion contributes to social cohesion and stability (Pressbooks, 2016). Religion creates societal inequality and conflict, according to the Conflict Theory of Religion. Religion, according to Marxists, creates social injustice and conflict. They believe religion has a harmful impact on humans. They view religion to be an ideology that oppresses people by compelling them to believe what the bible says. It aids in persuading the impoverished to accept their misfortunes in life, which leads to religiously driven animosity and violence. The Symbolic Interactionism view on religion According to Max Weber, religion makes sense of the universe and is utilized to provide hope to individuals by giving them a cause for their suffering. For example, stability and order were maintained during the period of slavery because religion provided slaves with hope and meaning for their suffering (Pressbooks, 2016).

Religion in St. Ann 

In St. Ann there are two religions that are evident those are Christianity and Rastafarianism. 


Photo by : pngfind-https://www.pngfind.com/mpng/iJxhmh_religious-clipart-prayer-praying-at-church-drawing-hd/

As it relates to Christianity, there are a variety of churches in St. Ann, including Seventh-day Adventist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Church of God, Anglican, Roman Catholic, and others. Individuals are guided by norms and regulations, such as the bible, that are taught in these churches and religions in St. Ann, which helps to regulate society. 

This Photo displays the Anglican Church in St. Ann 
Photo by: sgrrits-https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Y52KtKRjJx3yGdbMIPwKowHaER?pid=ImgDet&rs=1
This Photo display the Baptist Church in St. Ann 
Photo by: Fine art America-https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.wB6lTB1nSoX7bDkttUga1QHaE7?w=265&h=180&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7


Photo by:timetoast-https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/rastafari-religion-rastafarianism

Rastafarianism, is a religion that arose in Jamaica during the 1930s. Researchers of religion characterize it as both another religious movement and a social development. There is no unified expert responsible for the development, and professionals, known as Rastafari, Rastafarians, or Rastas, are very assorted. Rastafari convictions depend on a particular understanding of the Bible. Focal is a monotheistic confidence in a solitary God, alluded to as Jah, who is considered to dwell inside every individual to some degree. Rastas accord key significance to Haile Selassie, the ruler of Ethiopia somewhere in the range of 1930 and 1974; many see him as the Second Coming of Jesus and Jah in essence, while others see him as a human prophet who completely perceived Jah's presence in each person. Bob Marley a famous reggae singer was born in St. Ann hence why this religion is evident in St. Ann (Wikipedia contributors, 2001).

The Family as an Agent of Society

Photo by: My Island Jamaica-https://www.my-island-jamaica.com/christmas_in_jamaica.html 

What is the Family? The family is a group of people that are related by blood, marriage or adoption and share common ideals. 

The Different Sociological Perspectives view on the Family. 

According to the Functionalist, the family serves a variety of functions in society. Family members help each other socialize and provide emotional and practical support to one another. It aids in the regulation of sexual activity and sexual reproduction, as well as providing its members with a social identity. However, the family can pose a threat to society's stability and social order (Pressbooks, 2016).Marxists accept that the family adds to social disparity by supporting man-controlled society. The family can likewise be a wellspring of contention, including actual savagery and passionate mercilessness to its own individuals. Symbolic Interactionism believes that family interactions are vital because they interact on a day-to-day basis to discuss problems that may arise (Pressbooks, 2016).

The Family in St. Ann

Family in St. Ann is evident for individuals interact with their family’s day to day to discuss issues and the family helps to guide children to be good citizens of society, such as educating individuals to do the right thing and not engage in unlawful activities and supporting individuals in their endeavors.

Education as an Agent in Society 

photo by: Clipart Panda-http://www.clipartpanda.com/categories/education-clip-art 

Education is a perspective. Education is the point at which an individual learns information that will help them in their future. Education, as per functionalists, serves a variety of functions in the society, including socialization, social integration, and social placement. Education assists with bringing down joblessness and allows individuals to be signed up for the full-time workforce (Pressbooks, 2016).

The Conflict Theory view on education is that it advances social imbalance by expressing that people will be dealt with diversely due to their social foundation. Symbolic Interactionism view Education as a device that advances social cooperation in the school through play. Instructors' assumptions can affect their students' academic performance; for instance, a few educators' assumptions are as often as possible high, and when kids attempt to measure up to these assumptions, they lose center or come up short (Pressbooks, 2016).

Education In St. Ann

In St. Ann, there are numerous schools ranging from early childhood to university, and individuals attend school to obtain an education to be better citizens of society, to help develop the labor force and better society. All these educational institutions in St. Ann have brought fort exceptional students and you are currently tuning in and benefiting from one of them, Shania Wollaston. I am a product of some of these educational institutions in St. Ann.

Now these are some photos of a number of educational institutions in St. Ann 

A photo of the Ocho Rios High School 

photo by: the Jamaica Gleaner-https://jamaica-gleaner.com/power/49357

A photo of the Marcus Garvey Technical High School 

photo by: The Jamaica Gleaner- https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20190826/new-day-marcus-garvey-technical-sixth-form-associate-degrees-introduced

 The Government as an Agent in Society 

This photo displays the government of Jamaica 

photo by: The Caribbean Journal-

"The government" is a system or group of people governing an organized community or society. The functionalist perspective on government holds that the public authority serves four essential capacities: arranging and coordinating society, keeping up with peace and lawfulness, and overseeing worldwide relations; they additionally consider the public authority to be a way to implement standards and control struggle, as well as to keep people associated with the democratic society in which they live. According to the Conflict Theory, the government is a group of people who have all the power to control the citizens and help them i.e., the government keep their wealth, and societal structures are the result of social competing for wealth and influence. The Symbolic Interactionism theory views the government as an entity that interacts with society to hear the issues and concerns and try to put policies or solutions in place to help the citizens (Lumen Learning, n.d.).

Government in St. Ann

In St. Ann, there is a government entity that is the Jamaica Labor Party constituency Office in the parish that serves as the government and helps citizens with their issues and concerns and interact with the citizens to the best of their ability. But in recent reports, there was a form of protest in the parish for citizens voicing their concerns about the leader of the constituency, Marsha Smith, who also represents the constituency in Parliament. The citizens were complaining that Ms. Smith was not executing the duties and roles that she should do as a member of Parliament. and in the video that follows you can see the outcome of this protest (Television Jamaica, 2022).

Video by : Television Jamaica -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-pgodJ2-Sk

Health Care as an Agent in Society 

Photo by: Clip art library-

To begin with, what is health? It is the physical, mental, and emotive welfare of a person. Medical services, then again, is the arrangement of clinical services to forestall, analyze, and treat medical conditions. The functionalist view on health care for society to run smoothly, good health and adequate medical treatment are required. To be recognized as truly unwell and excused from their regular duties, patients must play the "sick role." The connection between a physician and a patient is hierarchical: the physician gives orders, and the patient must obey them. The Conflict Theory views health care as the quality of health and health treatment are both characterized by social inequality. People from low-income families are more likely to become ill and receive substandard medical treatment. Physicians have attempted to regulate the practice of medicine and characterize societal issues as medical ones, in part to raise their own earnings (Press Books, 2016).

Health Care in St. Ann

The Health Care Facility in St. Ann 

St. Ann Regional Hospital  

photo by:stabroeknews-

In St. Ann, there is a health care facility in the parish that administers medical services, but based on citizens’ complaints, when they go to this medical facility, it takes a long time to see a doctor. They also stress that in most cases, the workers will only look at you when you are on the road to die, and this should not be the case. They are there to help the public and ensure each individual gets adequate medical services.


AllAboutReligion. (2005, August 9). Meaning of Religion. AllAboutReligion.Org. https://www.allaboutreligion.org/meaning-of-religion-faq.htm

Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Theoretical Perspectives on Government and Power | Introduction to Sociology. Lumen. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/sociology/chapter/theoretical-perspectives-on-government-and-power/

New York Essays. (2021, January 11). The Role of Religion in Society. https://newyorkessays.com/essay-the-role-of-religion-in-society/#:%7E:text=Religion%20is%20a%20secondary%20agent%20of%20socialisation%2C%20it,morals%20that%20help%20to%20keep%20order%20and%20consensus.

Press Books. (2016, March 25). 13.1 Sociological Perspectives on Health and Health Care – Social Problems. Pressbooks. https://open.lib.umn.edu/socialproblems/chapter/13-1-sociological-perspectives-on-health-and-health-care/

Pressbooks. (2016a, April 8). 15.2 Sociological Perspectives on the Family – Sociology. https://open.lib.umn.edu/sociology/chapter/15-2-sociological-perspectives-on-the-family/

Pressbooks. (2016b, April 8). 16.2 Sociological Perspectives on Education – Sociology. https://open.lib.umn.edu/sociology/chapter/16-2-sociological-perspectives-on-education/

Pressbooks. (2016c, April 8). 17.3 Sociological Perspectives on Religion – Sociology. https://open.lib.umn.edu/sociology/chapter/17-3-sociological-perspectives-on-religion/

Television Jamaica. (2022, February 4). JLP Supporters Want N.E St. Ann MP to Resign. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-pgodJ2-Sk

Wikipedia contributors. (2001, October 24). Rastafari. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastafari


  1. Good blog thank you explaining this agents of society... This is blog is very interesting.

  2. Excellent blog. thank you for explaining about agents of society. I could read this all day because this is interesting. 10/10 on the details because this is a wonderful master piece.

  3. Shania You are a student who has high expectations. Listen, based on this blog, I have a basic understanding of sociology, as well as an understanding of the society in which they live and how sociology relates to them. The product of St. Ann's schools are teaching us about the parish of St. Ann, which is you. Also, with relation to the agents of society, the government and healthcare in the parish, those two key agents require some type of form of intervention since they are not running as they should. I agree with you on the facts you provided regarding these agents.

  4. This blog was so enjoyable to read that I learnt about the sociological aspects of the society's agents. I discovered what society's agents are. Now I see why these agents are so important for society; without a family, how can there be order, among the other agents of society. Thank you for letting me know about the agents in St. Ann.


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